Saturday, October 22, 2005

"IMG-5807AB" - "Larissa Johnson"- Copyright: Walter Paul Bebirian-------------------------
Business happens when you offer your services to the right person at the right time and the right place!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"1199" - "Andreea Paras Up Close"- Copyright: Walter Paul Bebirian

Saturday, October 08, 2005

ZAP - It's here -

ZAP - It's gone-

ZAP - it's here again

Zoom - It's wherever you want it to be - whenever you want it to be -

Sunday, October 02, 2005

The truth about business is that it happens at the speed of whatever I desire to conduct it at -

Perhaps to have you better understand this I will say that as soon as I step outside my door, and perhaps sometimes before that when I send out an envelpe by mail, and a person receives one of my business cards either handed to them (or in the case of the letter they receive the card in an envelope), I consider a transaction as having taken place, and since this happens pretty much whenever and wherever I chose to give out my cards or to send them out in an envelope, then I am in control as to the speed at which these above mentioned transactions take place.

On the Internet, however, I do acknowledge that the individual visitors to my web sites are more or less in control themselves as to the speed at which they are exposed both to my "Self Portrait" which is the main feature of my business card and to my images which are shown throughout the various web sites.

In these events, the transactions are able to be conducted with so much more speed and consistency than I am or would ever be able to continue to conduct them by myself.

By totally giving up the control and the capability of transacting the business myself, I leave open the possibility of transacting a much greater amount of business as well as doing so at a so much greater pace than ever before possible!