Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Do it your own way

After all of the how to books - the questions of famous - skilled and maybe knowledgeable people - I believe the best thing for anyone to do is to pursue doing things their own way -

I remember not too long ago when there were no "how to" books - and then they started showing up - I believed then - and still do now - that working out things for yourself and learning by doing - or doing things your own way - will always work out for the individual and the society as a whole -


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Business - So many people are looking to learn it - to improve upon it - to grow it and maximize it - me - I live - eat - sleep and breathe business - it flows through my vains - I see it and it's opportunities everywhere and I only want to make sure I don't miss out on what is - here - there and everywhere that I look - it is so exciting and makes every moment so vibrant and exhilerating - It is so much faster than thought since it is always here - it never has to travel anywhere -
