Tuesday, September 30, 2003

You've done your research - you're ready for your client - he shows up to make the order - he gives you all the information to fill out the order and then he tells you that he forgot his check - what do you do?

Know that if he spent the time showing up and filling out the order that there is a lot more invested on his part than the check that he forgot - let the check come when it may -

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Remember -
the slower you go -
the faster you get
to where you want to be -
if you are enjoying where you are -
you don't have to go -

Monday, September 01, 2003

Just what is labor in today's world of so many diverse professions and jobs in so many companies in so many different sectors of this multifaceted economy making up this so diverse a society as ours?

Is it appropriate to label labor with one single word used to refer to all these different occupations?

Each person performing a specific job, profession, assignment or task deserves their own recognition for performing to the best of their unique ability and they also deserve to be recognized as unique in the way they perform that which they do with so major a part of their lives!